I.M.C.A. Old Timers was formed to promote and preserve I.M.C.A. (International Motor Contest Association) history, including the preservation and excellent restoration of former I.M.C.A. race cars; to maintain records and documents of I.M.C.A. history; recognition of former drivers, owners, mechanics and others involved in I.M.C.A. history; and provide an opportunity for the social and technical interchange of members interested in auto racing history.
Sunday, APRIL 13
Board Meeting 12 noon
Membership 1:00 pm
new location
SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT THIS REPORT.This report is being sent out and covers both the Board meeting and the membership meeting for the above date.
The following Board Members attended the Board Meeting.
Dave Stone, Skip Rieneke, and Paula Bill Mueller, Jim Boman Gary Stein, Paul Dolphy, and Mike Stein.
The following Members were also in attendance. Mark Langer, Rick Stine, Jim Heiland Chris Welch, Carter Narveson, Dan Frasson, and Ron Johnson.
The Secretaries report for the last Board meeting, which was held on July 31, 2013, was given by our Secretary, Mike Stein the minutes were accepted as read.
The Treasurers Report was given for John Ellingson by Mike Stein.
We have $3302.88 in our checking account, and $501.73 in our Savings account.
This gives us a total of $3804.61.
All of these balances are accurate as of today’s meeting.
The report was accepted as read.
The annual Banquet is set for SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2013.
The festivities begin at 5:30 P.M.
Dinner of Turkey and or Ham, Potatoes Vegetables, Salad and Rolls and Desert is to be served at 6:30P.M.The Platte Valley Boys will be entertaining us again this year with 2 sets of music. The Entertainment starts at 7:00 P.M. Door Prizes will be handed out starting at 9:00 P.M.The party is over at 9:30 P.M.
We will also be running the 50/50 at the Event.
A Flier will be mailed or e-mailed to all members with in the next few days.
The cost for the event is $15.00 per person if pre-registration is received by October 8, 2013. After that it is $25.00 per person
Dave Stone has talked to SPEEDWAY MOTORS and they will be donating a Helmut Bag, a Gear Bag, a set of Flags, and a Speedway Banner, and two (2) $50.00 Gift Certificates for the Event
Each of you is expected to be part of obtaining DOOR PRIZES from anyone that will donate them to our club. Don’t rely on someone else to get them. Go out and get one or two or more yourself!!!
Sadly this is most likely the last year that we will have the display at the State Fair since Heritage Square is being torn down, and will be rebuilt. All indications are that The IMCA Old Timers will no longer have the space available in the future.
Our Display was very well attended this year, with upward of 330 to 350 people going through our tented display per hour. This is approximately 3800 to 4000 people per day.
We should be very proud of our past displays for over 25 years, also our members and their cars, as well as the people that tended the Display over the years.
An even bigger “pat on the back” for a job well done and for the many years of dedication goes to Gary Stein who enabled the club to have the space and keep part of the State Fair over the years..
Thank you very much Gary!!!
Gary would like to thank all that volunteered and manned the display this year.
Thanks to the following people; Mark Langer, Bill Mueller, Jim Heiland,
Mike Gaspard, Doc Olson, Pat Mandell, Paul Dolphy, Ron Johnson, Dick Pottsmith, Roger Blomquist, and Mike Stein.
Also thanks to the Nick Barstad and his Mom Angie and Dad Brent for having their SUPER LATE MODEL Stockcar from ELKO Speedway at this years display.
Good Luck Nick in your future racing efforts.
Since RacewayPark has closed we may need to find a new place for our annual Swap Meet.
Rick Stine volunteered to look into the feasibility of using Raceway Parks old parking lot for our event next spring. He will contact John Hellendrong and check it out
The promoter of the above show contacted us to have a booth at the Mpls.Convention Center.
It would cost the club $1500.00 for the space, but it could make up the money by selling tickets to the event. We were promised space enough for 8-10 cars.
However, after some discussion the Board opted not to get involved with the event due to the cost, and also since it takes place the same weekend as this years BANQUET.
We have four (4) positions to fill this year.
They Are;
Vice President,
Secretary, also will be responsible for the PITPASS.
One Board position for a three (3) year term.
The election must be held by the last day of October, and needs to have a Chairman who will line up the candidates, mail ballots and count ballots.
We would like to have more input from Vintage Touring Series guys in regard to this election and would like to have at least one of them to be on our Board of Directors
Jim Heiland is to talk to several of his contacts from the series to see if there is anyone that will volunteer, or would consent to be nominated.
************************OUR NEXT MEETING***************************
We will discuss the above at our next meeting on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2013.
Board Meeting at 12:00 P.M., Membership Meeting is at 1:00 P.M.
We also hope to have meetings starting this Fall in Wisconsin, so the people from that area can become more active in the clubs affairs.
The meeting was called to order by David Stone at 1:00P.M. There were 12 people in attendance.
The Secretaries report was given and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report, by John Ellingson. $3164.11 Checking Account
$501.10 Savings Account
TOTAL $ 3665.21 Accepted as read.
Due to ongoing price increase for postage, it was decided that the PITPASS publication will not be sent out after receiving this update. We will only send out Cards notifying the Membership of up coming meetings. The cost of postage is $.46 for the first ounce and an additional $.20 for each additional ounce after that. (i.e. a 2 ounce mailing would cost $.66)
Special Note: I had reported at the meeting that the 2nd ounce was an additional $.66. That was an error. The cost of a 2nd ounce is $.22. I apologize for the error!
However, the only mass information that will be sent out in the future will be that which is sent via e-mail. Postage card meeting notifications will still be sent to those that do not have e-mail, all the more need to attend our Membership Meetings.
Therefore, it will be necessary to watch our web site for schedules and other things that have been sent out in the past. (Hint! Find someone that has e-mail access and stay up to date!)
Rosters etc. will be available at the meetings only for those of you that do not have email.
Friday, May 31st will be an entirely Vintage Car Program. Saturday June 1st, the Vintage Cars will be part of North Central’s Saturday night racing program.
The club has been contacted by Wall Stolzman who is the Chairman for the Event.
This is not a Northern Vintage or an IMCA Old Timers event, it is a Vintage Race Car weekend event, and are open to ALL Vintage clubs, and no dues will be necessary.
Actually, this event is part of the Viet Nam “Ride For Healing” event that culminates at North Central Speedway at Brainerd, Minnesota
For more information about the Ride for Healing go on line at ride for healing .com.
If you plan to participate in the event, you are asked to send a Car/Driver Bios’ to Paul Dolphy by May 3, 2013, so that he can get them to Wally Stoltzman in preparation for the event on May 31st. Car/Driver Bios’ are available on line or from Mike Stein or Paul Dolphy.
Wally has asked that the IMCA Old Timers Tech Inspectors tech all the cars for the event, therefore someone must contact Dick Potsmith, and Mark Langer to get them up to speed as to that duty.
Diplay cars are welcome and encouraged.
Tow Money is going to be paid as well. The amount is not known at this time.
Camping is permitted both nights at the track.
Imca Old Timers date at Cedar Lake July 20, 2013
Northern Vintage has invited us to participate in two (2) of their events in July.
They are SuperiorWisconsin on July 26th, and Grand Rapids, Minnesota on July 27th.
WEBSTERCITY, IA. Aug. 16-18, 2013
Jim Heiland has been talking to Elko and RacewayPark about putting together a “back to back” Saturday/ Sunday event some time in May, June or August, since our July schedule is full now.
Paul Dolphy has made a Deal with Dan Plan who publishes THE RACING CONNECTION newspaper.
Paul has arranged to pay for a “directory page ad” and is the size of a Business Card but the club will get a ¼ Page ad for the same amount.
This is a very good deal since we will be able to change information on our ad periodically, which will allow us to keep our schedule and other information current.
Don Belkengren has the Fliers done. Mike Stein will print fliers for the Membership Meeting on April 14, 2013. All members will be able to get fliers at that meeting.
Parking is Rick Stine, and Carter Narveson.
Menu/food is Jim Boman and John Ellingson.
Port-a-potty. Gary Stein.
We will have one more meeting before the Swap Meet to take care of last minute details including Swap Meet Fliers that will be available to all of the members for distribution prior to the event.
Rick Stine needs to have a replacement for the 50/50 that is played at each of our membership meetings. So if you are interested, or if you want to contribute a little time at each meeting to handle the 50/50, please let Rick Stine know or let us know at the next meeting on April 14, 2013.
Jim Heiland contacted Brent Root, the holder of the IMCA title as an entity, to make sure that the Touring Group can be named the “IMCA Vintage Touring Series”.
According to Brent it is okay for our club to use that name.
Jim also said that he is looking for a web site sponsor, or individual event sponsor, to help pickup the “tow money” of about $50.00 for those in the Touring Series that come from Wisconsin and Ill., and Iowa to race with us. We want to do this in reciprocity for what is done for us when we go there.
Gary Stein said that he would work on it since he has a few ideas about it.
We also need to have 2013 Tech Stickers made up for all classes. Jim will look into this.
Lynn Peterson said that he would take care of getting Swap meet fliers to the various Race Parts, and Race car builders in the area. He also said that he would try to be at the Opening meeting at Elko to pass out Swap Meet Fliers there as well.
Don Belkengren will take 250 to the GSTA meeting this month, and also to his Church which has a “Gear Head” event.
August 5, 2012 Membership Meeting
The racing event at Cedar Lake Speedway on July 14th was very successful, with several of our open wheel cars making the date. However, if it had not been for the Northern Vintage Stock Cars and Modifieds, the event would have been a “bust”. Where we had a total of 7 of our clubs cars.
The owner of CedarLake has already called us, and wants to schedule an event for 2013.
Upon receiving his call, Gary Stein told the owner that our club will have to contact him later to respond to his request for a 2013 date.
The story was even worse at Arlington on July 28th. We had 6 cars at Arlington.
Gary suggested to the Board that our club should not schedule another race event since we, as a club, are not able to deliver a proper car count without the other cars from other clubs, or schedule one (1) large event for the year as we did in the early years of the club.
As we discussed this idea we talked about possibilities of where to try to have such an event. CedarLake and Arlington were suggested. We also talked about offering Tow Money to try to entice a better showing.
We were reminded that we would have to have at least 50 cars to get the use of either of the above tracks
Carter Naverson suggested that we, as a club, look into contacting those from other clubs that are disenfranchised with their present club, and meet with them to see just what it is that they would like from us to get them to join our club and attend our events.Carter, Mike Stein and Dick Pottsmith are to work this idea out and make the contacts with these other people.Some of the reasons that we feel that the showing at the events are so poor are:
The Economy, the cost of gas and fuel, and other issues that involve the age of our membership, and also the migration and/or sale of club members cars to those outside of our area.
To support this Skip Pollock said that WeberCity had only 27 cars last year, where in the past there had been nearly 100.
Our Banquet Chairman, Don Belkengren, suggested that our banquet be set for October so that those that go south for the winter would be able to attend. The suggestion was accepted by the Board, and it was suggested that it be held on a Sunday afternoon, starting at 4:00 – 5:00 P.M.
Don will coordinate with the band and the Legion as to the date, but it should be on October 14th or the 21st 2013.
Don to report at next Board meeting, and again at the next Membership meeting.
Official White IMCA shirts are to be ordered for Mark Langer, and Dick Pottsmith who are our Tech Inspectors.
We talked about the loss of another of our club members, Dick Wolke. Our hearts go out to Connie for her loss.
A State Fair Sign up Sheet was passed around so as to coordinate working days for those that are willing to work all day at the up coming State Fair.
We are all reminded that NOMINATIONS for the upcoming year’s elections will be made at the next meeting which is September 9, 2012.
We need nominations for Vice President, Secretary and at least one Board Member spot.
We had a brief discussion about our Tow vehicles and the DOT.
Skip Reineke is going to report to the club at the next meeting as to his findings after talking to MNDOT.
The car count at the Dells for the Touring group had 12 Stock Cars, and 5 Modifieds.
Jim Heiland reminded us that we have an event at Golden Sands on August 10th. Pits open at 4:00 P.M.
Be sure to attend and get the “scoop” on the Banquet and also be ready to nominate someone for V.P., Secretary, and also Board slots.
Jeff Brody moved that the meeting adjourn, and Skip Reineke.
The display at the State Fair was great! With lots of people looking at our display, and many good comments about the Race Cars on display, most of which have never been displayed before.
I would like to thank all of the volunteers that helped put the Old Timers display in place. You people are so important in making things go smoothly and to help make this display better each year.
From the Wednesday before the Fair starts until the Tuesday after Labor Day, helping with the setup and the take down, all went very well.
A special thanks to Mike Gaspard, Bill Mueller Jr. and Dennis Wright for display coverage everyday. Also, a big thanks to all of the IMCA Old Timers that helped man the display each day. We have never had such complete and total coverage for the 21 years that we have had the display.
I would also like to thank the State Fair Board and Managers for their support, as well as the tent and all the support equipment.
Please mark your calendars for next year’s event starting August 22, thru September 2, 2013.
Thanks again, and keep turning left.
Gary Stein President IMCA Old Timers.
Board Meeting at 11:00 A.M.
Same place, The Legion in Savage Minnesota.
Membership Meeting, June 24, 2012 RacewayPark
The meeting was called to order by our Vice President, Dave Stone.
The minutes of our last meeting on April 15, 2012 were accepted.
The Treasures Report was submitted by John Ellingson. We have $4199.34 in our checking account, and $ 500.76 in our savings account.
John said that the Club made approximately $2000.00 from our Swap Meet in April.
We also have enrolled about 15-20 new members due to the new “Stock Car Touring
John’s report was accepted as submitted.
Seeing as we are meeting at a race event today, we were all reminded that we are to have
our fire extinguishers out, and available on the back of our trailers in the pit area.
These would be extinguishers that are required Page 5 from our Rulebook that states,
“each car must have a fire extinguisher in the pit “.
Today, at RacewayPark, will have only one Heat Race and a Feature, since we have only
10 cars.
The slow cars are to stay to the bottom, and the faster cars are to give the slow cars room
when they are passing.
We are to stay in starting formation until we go through the 1st and the 2nd turn and are on
the back shoot before we do any passing.
If there are any restarts, they will be single file.
CedarLakeSpeedway on July 14th.
We need cars. So far Dave Stone and Bill Mueller Jr. have had only 5 cars commit to
attend this event. We need at lest 15 – 20 cars to show up in order to put on a good show
and meet our commitment to CedarLake.
This event is for ALL CARS.
Flying Cloud Air Show is also on the 14th of July. Jim Boman has had only 2 cars sign
up to attend that event. If you are not going to go to CedarLake be sure to go to the Air
Show, Jim needs only 4-6 more cars for his display.
ArlingtonSpeedway on July 28, 2012
Dave and Bill are having the same problem getting commitment from our members as
they are at CedarLake. Please show up with your car. Both tracks have plenty of Push
vehicles to accommodate as many Race Cars as we can field.
It was also mentioned that if you do not plan to race, that your c should be brought out to
either of the tracks for display.
Paul Dolphy brought up the subject of our tow vehicles and MINNDOT.
It is very important that at the next Board Meeting that we discuss this matter, and then
bring it up to the membership in our next meeting.
Jim Heiland reviewed the race event at the Milwaukee Mile on June 11 – 12.
We had 30 cars registered, and 24 that showed up to race, and they represented 4 states.
The ASA Officials gave us 2 Heat Races, one for the slower cars and one for the faster
cars. The feature race ended up with 22 cars starting and putting on a good show.
ASA were very happy with our club and have told us that we will be invited back again
next year.
Swap Meet
As reported in the Treasures report, we made about $2000.00 from the Swap Meet.
As a related item, we do not get a donation to the club from RacewayPark when we have
a racing event there, in lieu of their not charging us anything for the use of their
facilities when we have our Swap Meet.
We had no 50/50 or Clothing Drawing today since we are in the Pits of Raceway.
John Beeney made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, and Mark Langer second it.
The meeting was adjourned at 3: 50 P.M.
OUR NEXT MEETING IS August 5, 2012 at The Savage Legion, Savage Minnesota.
Board meeting at 12:00 P.M., Membership Meeting at 1:00 P.M.
SECRETARIES REPORT was given by Mike Stein. It was accepted as read.
TREASURES REPORT was given by John Ellisgson.
We have $3288.043 in our checking account, and $500.48 in Savings.
The report was accepted.
A tribute to Don Belkengren for an outstanding job on the banquet.
He said that we had more than 25 door prizes donated to us by various businesses that support us and vintages racing.
Don said that he has already sent out thank you letters to all that donated door prizes.
Don consented to repeat as our Banquet Committee Chair next year.
We have a date to run at Cedar Lake this summer. The date will be announced at our next membership meeting which is on April 15, 2012.
This Event is for ALL CARS!!
We will get 2 people in with each car.
We will be part of the regular night program.
Dave Stone and Bill Mueller are the event chairs for this event. We need to make sure that all of our open wheel cars are at this event, and that as many total car that are able show up for the event.
There should be no one that owns a car that needs a push to start that should miss this event. Cedar Lake has many push vehicles available to make that part of our event no problem. SO BE THERE!!!
It was our display at the State Fair that initiated this event. The owner of the Track started talking to us about our club when he saw our cars on display.
He was very impressed with the quality of the cars and also the vintage of our true racecars.
It must be stressed that all of us should back this event, and support the Cedar Lake, and our club.
Once again we have an event at Arlington Speedway this summer. It is on July 21, 2012.
Just as is the case with Cedar Lake, this event is for ALL CARS TOO!!
Here again Dave Stone and Bill Mueller are the event chairs and will be contacting you to commit and sign up to be there.
Jim Boman will have a booth or a tent at both Cedar Lake and Arlington Speedway.
This year in order to make things easier for whoever does our announcing; whether it is the regular track announcer or one of our guys, we are committed to having a Car/Driver Bio done and ready for each event.
Paula Rieneke is in charge of this aspect of our club activity.
When you show up at an event you must fill out a Bio and give it to Paula. Once you have done this you will not have to do it again since she will be keeping them.
If you want to give her more information than room allows on the Bio Form that is ok. In fact it is recommended. Simply type the additional information up and attached it to the standard Bio Sheet.
From there we will be keeping a copy to be used at future events.
So do it right and do it once for the season and the job will be done. Your story will be out there and we will look and sound like professionals as we put on a show.
ART ABRAMS brought up an idea as to presenting our various cars, by class to the public at out events.
This would involve starting the slowest class of car first, allowing them to go a few laps while the announcer talks about that class and about each car as well. As they are completing their last lap of 2-3 laps, the next class is pushed off, and starts around the track, again allowing the announcer to talk about that class, and each car. As they complete their last lap, the next class goes. Etc, Etc, Etc.
It is Arts’ feeling that the general public would have a better idea of why all of the cars in a given race can not go as fast as another class, and would give them a better perspective as to what is going on when we race various classes at the same time.
After some discussion, we all agreed that the idea has a lot of merit, however, it may not be feasible if the track promoter gives us only a few minutes or a few laps to run our show.
Also, it still requires us, members of the IMCA Old Timers, to show up for the events with as many cars as possible. This must be done no matter how we run, or are allowed to run the program.
The air Show is on July 21, 2012 this year.
Jim Boman is the Event Chair. See or contact him to sign up for the event.
The Swap Meet is on SUNDAY April 29, 2012 this year at Raceway Park Speedway. Note it is Sunday!!
This is also the Test and Tune Day for Raceway Park racers, as their season kicks off a week later. This will make it a very good time to have you “stuff” there since there will be many people with racing interests to look at and buy your spare parts.
If you have a change of address, either street address or e-mail address, it is your responsibility to let Mike Stein know. He is unable to send the Pit Pass to you without a correct address.
We talked about the number of our members that are either in the hospital, sick, or at home recovering.
Paul Anderson has been sick for most of the late fall and winter. We were all glad to see him at the membership meeting today.
Gene Fecter is at the Minnesota Soldiers Home in Minneapolis near Minnehaha Park.
He always likes to have company. If you are near Minnehaha Park stop and see Gene.
Frenchy Vassar has had a pacemaker implanted. He is doing ok with that however, he is having other issues.
Jim Heiland has been in University of Minnesota Hospital for a couple of different procedures. He is doing fine and expected to come home today, Feb5, 2012.
Jim likes to e-mail things, so send him an e-mail
No matter what you are doing and how busy you may be, try to stay in touch with these guys, and be sure to keep them in your prayers.
There is to be an ARCA Race this year at Elko. Skip Pollack is working on a Static display for us at this event. The date is June 2, 2012.
Skip should have more at our next Membership Meeting on April 15, 2012.
Jim Boman can get us jackets. Here is what is involved.
Get you own jacket. Whatever jacket you like.
Bring it to Jim Boman.
Pay him $45.00, wait a week, pick it up and show it off.
If you want your name on it add $5.00.
Now that is really simple!!
50/50 was won by Dave Stone (Again)
Cap Drawing was won by Wayne Warnest
A motion was made to adjourn, and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.M.
We discussed the various members of our club that are ill.
We especially want to be sure to ask the membership to try to go and see, or at least contact the various ill members, and keep them all in our prayers.
Paul Anderson who has been in the hospital is now home and expected to be at today’s membership meeting.
Gene Fecter is still at the Minnesota Soldiers home near Minnehaha Park, in Minneapolis. He likes to have visitors.
Frenchy Vassar has been in the hospital for a Pace Maker implant. He is now home but is dealing with some other issues.
Jim Heiland has been in the U. of M. Hospital for a couple of problems.
He is expected to go home today (Feb. 5th) and will be taking it easy for about 6 weeks. If you have a computer, send him an e-mail, or one can always give him a call.
First of all we thanked Don Belkengren for the great job that he did on the banquet. He had had a committee when he started, but ended up doing it by himself. Thanks Don!
The total cost to the club was $660.12.
Don said that he has sent thank you letters to all of the various sponsors that donated door prizes.
Chuck Kaufman, the fellow that runs the racetrack, has asked the IMCA Old Timers to have an event at his Cedar Lake Speedway this summer.
This will be for ALL cars, so lets be sure to really support this opportunity, the Race Track, and our club by getting our cars ready and participate in this show.
To all of you guys that need a push to start your car, THE RACE TRACK HAS PLENTY OF PUSH VEHICLES, so there is no excuse to not show up.
According to Chuck, he wants us to be part of the evening event, and is very interested in our open wheel cars. Chuck saw the cars at the State Fair Display and because of what he saw there he told us the he liked the quality of our cars and wanted us to work with him to put on an event this summer.
We will get 2 people in the pits with each car.
The date will be announced at our membership meeting on April 15, 2012.
Dave Stone, and Bill Mueller Jr. are the race organizers for our club, and are going to be contacting all car owners, but especially the open wheel owners to sign up and participate.
Once again this year, Arlington is on the schedule for July 21st. This too is an event for ALL CARS. So, as with the Cedar Lake event, lets ALL plan on attending and backing our club.
Dave Stone and Bill Mueller Jr. are the race organizers for this event as well.
A special discussion took place concerning non-members that may show up at our events this year. It was unanimously agreed by the Board that non-members must abide by IMCA Old Timers rules. This goes for the competition rules, the car safety rules and personal conduct while in the pits.
Tech Inspection will be done at all the events this year, and will be done by Dick Potsmith, Roger Wade, and Mark Langer.
Skip Rieneke made a motion to cover the above rule conformity for non-members; it was seconded by Jim Boman and adopted by the board.
We will have either a booth or a tent at both Cedar Lake and Arlington from which to sell our Caps, T Shirts, etc. Jim Boman, and Mike Stein will man the booth.
Our 6th annual Swap Meet will be on SUNDAY this year. It is set for Sunday April 29th at Raceway Park. It is their test and tune day for the upcoming 2012 season at the race track as well. Therefore, the Swap Meet should be a very well attended.
The price to all comers whether Swappers or the pubic will remain $5.00 per person.
We will again be selling food and Pop, coffee and rolls.
Fliers will be available at the April 15th meeting.
Gary is to arrange for the Hot Dogs.
The Air Show will be on July 14th and 15th 2012.
Jim Boman is the chair of this event. Sign up with him.
As you all know the Trophy for the most participation by a member in the club activities has been awarded to Buzz Cripe.
This award was to be given to Buzz at our banquet. However, do to an error, the trophy was delayed. The problem is now solved, and will be awarded at our next membership meeting.
Skip Polack is working on having a static display at Elko when the Arca Boys (and girls) come into town.
Gary talked told us that it is idea to slowly, starting this spring, to have Dave Stone handle both the Board meetings and the membership meetings. This he is doing so as to be able to help transition, and aid Dave, as he becomes our President next year, 2013.
A discussion of how to get the Car/driver Bio sheets together and ready for the announcer at the various events in which we participate this year.
We also talked about making sure that the “Bio Sheets” are taken more seriously and completed and returned this year.
We also agreed that a “Comp List” of sponsors and IMCA Old Timer backers, be generated and a copy of the Pit Pass be sent to each one of them at the same time that the membership is sent their copy.
Jim Boman told us that he could get ANY JACKET lettered with our LOGL on the back for $45.00. Add a name on the front for an additional $5.00.
All one must do is:
Bring in you jacket.
Pay $45.00 or $50.00
Jim will take care of the rest.
Usually it takes between 1 and 2 weeks.
Don Belkengren motioned and Jim Boman seconded to adjourn.
Acting President, Gary Stein, called the meeting to order.
The Secretaries Report was given and accepted by Mike Stein.
John Ellingson gave the Treasurers report.
The club has $500.49 in our saving account, and $3,480.28 in the checking account.
Paula Reineke asked if anyone has the original Racing rules.According to Skip Pollack, Woody Woodbury was given those documents on June 25th after our Static display in South St. Paul.Woody picked the rules, and other documents, along with some asphalt tires that Skip had picked up for Woody on the evening of June 25th.
Skip Pollack said that all of the club’s stuff, from the rules to pictures, and other club history was given to Woody that night.
Skip Reineke asked if anyone had another copy.None was available Ship Reineke will go to Woody’s house to talk to him and see whether he has the rules and other documents.
Skip Reineke’s main reason for wanting to get a hold of the rules is to with “coil overs”.
Paula Reineke said that there were some pictures in the Stuff that they picked up from Woody, and that she is going to be scanning the loose pictures and putting them into an album for the club.
Ken Anderson asked how many club members’ cars would show up for if we were to have only one race event in a year.
Gary and Skip Pollack felt only 15or so.
Gary said that the events that we have that are called “Clutch and Starter” events, could have a better showing if we made it clear to those club members that need to be push started, that if they were to bring their own “Push Vehicle” they could run as part of the event since the idea of “Clutch and Starter” cars only is not the Race Tracks rules, it is our own rule since we know that the Race Track does not have Push Vehicles available.
He said that he is encouraging all push start cars to find a way to push their own racecars, or arrange to have one with them at next year’s events.
It was mentioned that usually one push vehicle could handle pushing off 2 cars, so try to find a buddy, and make it to the next “Clutch and Starter” event.
Another suggestion to entice someone to bring a push vehicle would be to offer him or her a free pit pass, and Gasoline for the Push Vehicle, paid for by the club.All in attendance felt that that would be a good idea.
Paul Anderson also mentioned a good point that Un-caged Cars can usually run at most events by running with a pace car.
Mike Stein said that Florence Lee had sent the club a $20.00 check in memory of “Wild” Bill Mueller.All of our members want to say thanks to Florence for her generosity.
A letter will be sent to her thanking her this week.
A reminder to all that if you are working on an event, or if you have lined up an event. The information must be brought to the Board for an ok before it is put into our calendar.
This does not mean that a club member can’t explore an event with a track owner, or discuss a static display with someone.It means that in order to place it on the schedule it must be ok’d and cleared by the Board.
So go ahead and do some preliminary planning if you wish, just remember that the Board must sign on the to event to make it official.This is consistent with our Bi-Laws.
Jim Boman stated that the Board had authorized the purchase of a Laser Printer/Scanner that can be used to produce the Pit Pass publication, and will pay for itself after 2 mailings.
Skip Pollack suggested that he contacts Mark Langer who has a lot of old IMCA stuff, to be our Club Historian, a position that has not been filled for several years. The membership felt that Skip should contact Mark.
A special note to explain why Gary Stein is filling in as President for the rest of this year.
With the resignation of Woody, President, and Calvin, who was Vice President, who would have been president in 2012, the Board, at our September 10th Board meeting asked Gary to stand in for the rest of this year. Gary accepted, hence he is running the meeting today.
It was also made a matter of record that slanderous, and un-true gossip spread by club members without any real proof, putting another club members personal reputation, and business at risk, will not be tolerated in any way.The recent damage done to a fellow club member, as well as the club’s reputation, has placed this club in jeopardy, and we shall not allow it to happen again without rebuke or censure on the part of the club to those individual(s) responsible. Such were the actions of the Board at our September 10, meeting, to those involved recently in the above referenced case.
Elections are to be held by the end of the year.
Skip Reineke volunteered, as a member of the Board to be the Nominating Chairman.
A meeting will be held November 6, 2011, to accept the nominations and set up the election.
We will need to elect a President, Vice President, and one (1) Board member for a term of 3 years.
The following members were nominated.
Bill Mueller Jr. (Board member)
Dave Stone(Vice President)
Gary Stein was asked to fill the position of President for next year since we have no Vice President to take the job with Calvin’s resignation.
All members present voted in favor to have Gary take the job for next year.
We did discuss whether it was really necessary to have a President, and/or a Vice President.The membership felt that it was necessary to have the positions filled and operating in order to have “go to people” available.
Race Director, and Safety and Tech Inspector.
I light of the events that have taken place during the course of the past race season, it was felt that we needed to have a Race Director for the entire year.
With that in mind Big Don Belkengren happily accepted the job.
In like manner, none of our Race Cars have been safety inspected, or Tech inspected for at least 2 year.Therefore, Roger Wade has again agreed to be at every event to perform these tasks.
Notice was made that one of our members was drinking in the pits before, and perhaps during a recent race event.Drinking in the Pits is not allowed at all until after the event is over.
This is not our rule, but is one that EVERY TRACK has, and it must be complied with.
Also one of our members was not wearing a fire suit while warming up their car prior to the race event.This too is not tolerated.
Again, this is not our rule but a rule at EVERY TRACK today.Don’t be stupid !!!!!
Michelle Brighton has expressed a desire to quit as or web master, therefore Paula Reineke is working with Michelle to get the information changed over so the new web master, can take it over soon.
We have a new member.His name is Mike Smith.He has a 1984 T Bird.
He saw us run at Elko in July at the Mid America Race Event.He wanted to know at that time when we had our meetings, and indicated that he wanted to attend whenever it may be.
Welcome aboard Mike.We are happy to have you with us!
Mike Stein won the 50/50 Drawing.He donated the money back to the club Treasury.
The motion to adjourn was made by Skip Reineke, and seconded by Roger Blomquist.
The meeting was adjourned.
******General Information******
The “CAR DRAWING” at Arlington Speedway, was held in mid August, and was won by a girl from New Ulm.Our interest in this was from last years “Beans in a Bottle” event, where the Club had money involved in the Raffle.
November 28, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Gary Stein.He noted that today’s attendance is 21 members.
Mike Stein gave the Secretaries Report.It was accepted
In the absence of John Ellingson, who is in Florida, Gary gave the Treasurers Report.
There is approx. $ 900.00 in the checking account, and $500.00 in the Savings account.
Gary stated that our next meeting is on January 16, 2011.
The cost of mailing Newsletters has increased drastically.In order to counter this Don Belkengren, Valorie Dolphy, Gary Stein and myself are going to be meeting to use a program that Don has on his computer that will allow us to publish our own newsletter without relying on a third party to be involved.We hope to be using this program by the time that the next newsletter is sent out.
We also discussed the idea of getting sponsors for our mailings, and also advertisers both in our newsletter and on our web site.Mary Beth Cripe told us that we need to have a firm dollar figure, and also a list of benefits we can offer potential sponsors in order to be effective.She volunteered to have this information for us at out next meeting on January 16th.
We discussed the Swap Meet, and the fact that a large banner is to be made up by Race Way Park, which will be placed in the front of their property.
We decided that the banner should be brief and to the point, and should read “ SWAP MEET SPONSORD BY THE IMCA OLDTIMERS. ALL AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND CARS WELCOME.
We also discussed the need to have ALL Automotive interested people that want to swap be encouraged to come and swap.This includes a Car Corral.
Don Belkengren will put an ad in the MSRA Line Chaser, which is sent out to approx. 16,000 car people of all sorts.
Paul and Valorie Dolphy announce that we had sent out 88 ballots, with 63 returned
The results were;
Vice President,Calvin Hobbs.
Three-year board member, Skip Reineke
Two-year board member, Carter Naveson.
Arlington, Minnesota Arli-dazzle parade on December 11th.All members are welcome to participate in the parade, whether it is bringing a Race Car on a trailer and decorating it with lights, or some other car or some other thing to be pulled or driven or pushed or walked with in the parade.All are welcome.
A Pot Luck after the parade will be at Liberty Station.
We need a volunteer to take over the selling of our Caps, T shirts, Golf shirts Etc. After 4 years, Jim Boman is too busy with his daytime job to deal with it any longer.
Woody’s daughter has volunteered to be our Race and Event Reporter.This will be good for the club since we have such sparse coverage in our newsletter and web site at the present time.
For doing this she will be given a Complementary Membership to the club for as long as she does this job.This will be handled on a year-to-year basis.
Jim Heiland next discussed Web Site sponsorship and advertising.The idea is to sell Business Card size spaces annually for $5.00 to 10.00 to our members that would like to advertise their business or any other items.
Along with that would be the idea of selling advertising space to business’ or non-member advertising space for $25.00 to 30.00 per year.
Mary Beth Cripe will also give us help with ideas on how to confront and sell space at our next meeting.
Skip Pollack felt that if we get a sponsor to cover our whole season or an event that we should give them a plaque or a certificate of some sort to acknowledge their participation.
Miscellaneous Items
Mary Beth Cripe wanted all of us to know how fortunate that we are to have the Web Master that we have in the person of Jim Heiland.
She cited how she had sent information to him about their racecar, and it was up on the web in less than 2 days.
Jim said that he really wants to have more stuff sent to him and reminded us that it is best if it is sent in a digital form but if we do not have access to a computer, or e-mail that the information can be scanned and put on out web page.
DUES:If we know anyone that has not paid their dues for 2011 as of yet, we should can them and encourage them to do so SOON.
Dave Stone won racing bag
Paula Reineke won the 50-50
Woody won the T-shirt
October 24, 2010
Special Board Meeting
Those attending were;
Gary SteinCarter Naveson
Calvin HobbsJim Heiland
Woody Woodbury
Mike Gaspard
Skip Pollack
Mike Stein
With a quorum present, the meeting proceeded.
A special Board meeting was called by Gary Stein to establish a consensus as to how many Race Events should be scheduled for the 2001 Season.
It is Gary’s feeling that 5-6 Race event is as many as the Club is able to plan and have a successful car count, thereby putting on a good show for both the Promoter, and ourselves.
There has been some difference of opinion as the past season has rolled to completion.
Woody Woodbury, as this past season’s Race Promoter wanted all of us to know that it is very hard to fill our schedule based on our desired Dates, and that his experience last year had been that when he was able to speak with a Track Promoter that he was told when the IMCA Old-timers could have a date at the Promoters facility, and he had to take it on the spot or risk loosing the date.
He also stated that we had 8-10 events this year, and conceded that some events were poorly attended by our club members, due to double booking of the same dates for our club members to cover.However, he also said that for the most part all event were successful, and those that were not, we have learned not to repeat the same actions this next year.
Gary said that in the past, our best attended events were when we had only 3-4 events in a given year.All of the Board members agreed. It was suggested by Jim Heiland that we list those tracks where we think that we will have an event in 2011.
Arlington Raceway.Bob Allen has said that he wanted to have a vintage event.DIRT.
Raceway Park. According to Gary and Jim, 1-2 events should be possible.ASPHALT.
Ogilvie.Consensus was at least 1 date.DIRT.
Elko.Consensus was at least 1 date.ASPHALT.
Brainerd.Mary Beth Cripe has already set up 1 date for us here.DIRT.
Air Show.1 weekend.STATIC.
South St Paul.1 day.STATIC
This gives us a rough total of 3 DIRT SHOWS, 3 ASPHALT SHOWS, AND 2 STATIC
Oct. 17, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Gary Stein.
The Secretaries Report was given by Mike Stein and accepted by the membership.
The treasurers Report was given by John Ellingson.
At the start of the meeting, we have $1029.09 in the Checking account, and $500.20 in our saving account.Totaling 1529.29.
Gary stated that we still needed a Chairman, and that the date of the banquet has been tentatively set of sometime in January.
Gary asked for someone to volunteer to be the chairman. Ono one volunteered.
Therefore, having no one willing to take the chairmen-ship for the banquet, the banquet has been canceled for this year.
Paul Dolphy is the Chairman of the Nomination committee.Paul stated that we have one (1)Board member position open, and the office of Vice President.
Paul asked for nominations Vice President.The nominations are Calvin Hobbs, and possibly Dave Hoska if he is willing.Since Dave was not at the meeting, Big Don is to contact Dave to see if he will accept the nomination.
Since Calvin was nominated, and accepted the nomination for Vice President, this opened up an additional Board position.Therefore, the are now two (2) positions to fill.
Skip Reinke and Carter Narveson accepted the nominations to the Board.
Skip for a three (3) year term, and Carter to fill the remaining two (2) years of Calvin’s Board position.
Gary made it clear that only those members that have their 2010 Dues paid will be mailed ballots and allowed to vote.
Paul will be sending out the ballots so that the voting can take place, and be finalized by our next Membership meeting of November 28, 2010.
Don Belkengren asked why there have been no News Letters this past year.He stated that many of the club members that do not have cars consider the club as much a social club as a racing club, and that if they are not at the race events, they like to stay informed as to what has happened, and what is going on in regard to the club and the club members.
Gary told Don and the other members that he had fully intended to send more News Letters this past year, but felt that it was more important, and cost effective, in order to make sure that we had enough cars show up at the various events, to use the mailed cards.He felt that the main mission this past year was to get the racing events back up to car count levels that would be acceptable to both ourselves, and also the promoters.
Gary felt that this was something that had been accomplished.
Gary also said that it cost up to $225.00 for a mailing of a four (4) page Newsletter, whereas it cost about $80.00 to $100.00 for the cards.
Don suggested that we use e-mail to keep in touch and it would not cost the club anything.
Jim Heiland said that he had tried to use e-mail in the past and that many of the e-mails sent came back as undeliverable, since e-mail address changes by the club members, had not been known to the Secretary.
It was noted that it is important that in order to use e-mail successfully it is very important that when renewal of the membership is made that the e-mail address be reviewed and clearly printed by each club member.
We will make an effort to use e-mail in the future.
Jim Heiland and Gary Stein, and Mary Beth Cripe have been working on the schedule for next year.We already have Brainerd, and Raceway Park is close.
Jim Heiland said that he is working with Arlington Mn. To have a date as part of their regular show, but also involving a car show etc that we could make some money from.
Another track is Elko, but since it has been sold we will have to do some work to find out who to talk to and when we will be able to run there.
Gary stated that our goal as far as the Race Schedule goes, is to have ½ Dirt Shows, and ½ Asphalt shows, with a max of 2 shows per month, and no back to back over night events.Gary also felt that a max of 6 shows should be what we can do easily.
Paul Dolphy said that he felt that we should not put a cap or max on the number as long as we not we can get a good turn out at the events.
We all agreed that we should not be scheduling any events when Back to the 50’s and other big event are scheduled, or that we should schedule two (2) of our own events for the same day since it dilutes our car count too much.
Another event that will be new this year is the WORLD OF WHEELS at the St. Paul Civic Center, which is usually in early to mid Feb.
We will have a booth there with up to Five (5) cars from our club members.
We should use this as an opportunity to sell memberships, and pass out fliers for our Swap Meet in April.
Jim Heiland told us that the money that we had spent on the “BEANS IN THE BOTTLE”thing at Arlington Raceway had be corrupted, and that our money spent on Raffle tickets for the 2011 raffle that Bob Allen of Arlington Raceway would be running in 2011.
Our next meeting is November 218, 2010 at 1:00 P.M. at Savage Legion.
Sept. 26, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Gary Stein.
The secretaries Report from 5-23-2010 was given and accepted.
The Treasurers Report was given by John Ellingson.As of the start of the meeting we have a total of $1376.22 total in both our checking and savings account.
Gary thanked Woody and Calvin for all the work that they had done to set up all of the race dates the past season, and he also thanked all of the members that went to the various events.
NEWS LETTER.Gary stated that he had not sent many news letters this past summer since he felt that the club needed to be well informed and encouraged to attend the various events with their cars, to make sure that the IMCA Old-timers would be well represented at the event we had committed to attend.
Also the rising cost of mailing is a factor.The cards that have been mailed ran on an average of $ 125.00, whereas a two to four page Newsletter has run over $ 225.00.
He stated that there will be more Newsletters coming in the future.
STATE FAIR.Gary said that this years display was the best ever, and that it also was the best attended by the public.He thanked the people that helped with the display, and also thanked the 13 people that had their cars on display.
Gary also stated that more help would have been nice during the week, and said that he would like to see all of the Board Members help at least one day next year.
Election Committee.Paul Dolphy volunteered to Chair the Committee. We will be looking to elect 1 Board member, and also the office of V.P.
BANQUET. Jim Boman talked about the need to get a Chairman for the Banquet Committee.We also talked about the various possibilities for one.We talked about how the Club members, in the past, have not been too willing to spend the money personally to attend a banquet, thereby having a very low turnout.With only about 22 people attending in the fall of 2008.We also talked about how last year, in making the banquet free to the members we had a very good turn out. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 78 people.
Jim Boman talked about how it was impossible to go our for an evening with out spending $50.00 per a couple, and suggested that we charge, perhaps $25.00 per couple to attend this year worth the idea that we would have an entertainer as we did last year.
Jim made a point that last years banquet was free due to the donations that Gary and Mike Stein had secured from various businesses to finance the food and the entertainment, with only $150.00 coming out of our treasury, most of which was paid to cover people that did not respond to the RSVP regarding whether they would attend, and showed up the evening of the banquet.
Paul Remfer re-stated that the Club does not want to spend the money, nor have the money to cover the cost as was done last year without donations from outside businesses.
A motion was made and seconded to charge $25.00 per couple, and $10.00 each for any extra family members that will attend.
Gary then asked for a volunteer to Chair the Banquet this year.No one volunteered but we did have four (4) people step forward to help on the committee.
They are:Woody Woodbury, Rick Stine, Gary Stein, and Mike Gaspard.
SICK MEMBERS.Gary let us know that we had a Card to send to both Skip Pollock, and Gene Fecter, both who are recovering from surgery.
SWAP MEET.Rick Stine made a point to tell all what a great event our own Swap was at Raceway Park.He said that it is our biggest fundraiser for the year, and said that all of us should be sure to attend with our “Stuff” next year.Most all of the people that did sold all of their goods, and it will be even better attended next year.
STOCKYARD DAYS.Paul Dolphy said that we had three cars on display at the New Brighton car show, and that there was some interest in our club by some that attended.
AIR SHOW.Jim Boman thanked all that attended the and said that we have been invited back next July.
NEXT YEARS RACE EVENTS.At this point we are looking to have 2 events per month, with one of them being on Dirt, and the other on asphalt.Also none will be scheduled during Back To The 50’s or other similar events, and none will be scheduled so as to create two of our own event at one time, or on one date.
WORLD OF WHEELS.Gary let us know that we have been invited to be part of the World Of Wheels next Feb. at the St. Paul Auditorium.We will have a booth and up to 5 cars.Only IMCA Old-timers members will be considered for the display cars.
Gary is in charge and will be working with the people at the event.
Calvin Hobbs has worked out an agreement with South St. Paul for their celebration on Oct.
2010 to have a display at South view 66.I will be set up starting at 8:30 A. M. with the show running 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.Calvin can be reached at 651-457-8857.
The 50/50 drawing was won by Dave Hoska, and the Hat or T shit was won by Woody.
Our next meeting will be at Savage at 1:00 P.M. on October 17th 2010
A motion was made to adjourn was seconded, and the meeting closed
Sunday September27, 2009
1. The meeting was called to order by Big Don.
2.Treasurers Report;John Ellingson reported the we have $2163.69 in the Treasury, which is about the same amount as this time last year.
He indicated that we have 69 members, with 9 Honorary, and 3 Comps.
The above figure does not include the dues that was paid today by some attendee’s, for 2010.
John added that ALL DUES for 2010 is due now.
3.Elections will be in November.Nominations thus far are:
a.PresidentGary Stein
b.President ElectWoody Woodbury
c.SecretaryPaula Reineke
d.John EllingsonTreasurer
e.BoardCalvin Hobbs, Paul Dolphy, Jim Bowman, Jan Jacobson, Carter Narveson, Mike Gaspard, Steve Jensen.
The highest vote total will be on the Board for 3 years, the next highest for the remaining 2 years of Woody’ term, with the fourth to fill the remaining term of one year for Gary Stein.
Any further nominations should be sent to Woody by the last day of September to be on the Ballot.
The Presidents term, an amendment change to the bylaws, has been voted on by the board and the membership and passed.This will be reflected in the Ballot.
4.Up coming eventsWoody.
a.Has meeting set up with all track promoters by January.He will have a listing of all Track Events by 2/15/10 for the membership.He would like to have at least 20 Cars at ALL of the Events.This is vital to insuring that we have an ongoing program in 2011.
b.It looks like 10-15 events during the next Summer, with several two (2) and three (3) track Events on a couple of weekends, when the tracks are in close proximity to each other.Therefore, even though there are 10-15 events, will not be racing every weekend, we may be only racing 6-7 weekends from May through September.
c.Woody prefers that no one talk to the Track owners or Promoters without talking to Woody first.
d.Woody also needs to have accurate Phone numbers in order to contact us if need be.Make sure that you fill out you 2010 Membership renewal form with your correct phone number, AND e-mail address if you have one.Do the e-mail thing even though you may not use you computer much, but have e-mail.
1.Gary Nelson suggested that we have our meeting next summer, at the race events.This would cut down on gas to come to the meetings that we would have in Savage, and allow us to use it to get to the events.
2.Ron Olson said that we should have more meeting in order to stay close, and keep up the excitement of the events.
3.Big Don suggested at the board meeting that we have Pot Luck or BBQ’s as part of the Race Events.
4.Dave Hoska said that we needed to watch that we do not schedule events when other established events are going on, such as Weber City etc.Woody and Dave are to confer and work out a schedule.
5.Dave Hoska also talked about how important it is to work up the History of the car that one has, including the past Drivers, owners, and Car history, so that the Public Address Announcer can recite the information when we are on the track.
6.Jim Boman noted that we all have a page available on our Web Page for Driver/Car information and that we should forward this information to Jim Heiland so as to make your Web Page full and complete.
7.Dave Hoska also talked about how important it is to put on a show for the fans by not running away with the lead, and making the race look close by racing with an equal, competent counterpart rather than getting strung out.
It is always good to have a plan with another racer Before going out on the track and making the race look good.This will generate more fan interest, and will create a desire for the promoter to have the IMCA Oldtimers run again.
Swap Meet for 2010 will be in April again at Raceway Park. Jim Heiland is going to make sure that we have it on the same day that Raceway has their warm up day similar to this year.We all agreed that we need to advertise more. Perhaps at Feger’s Swap Meet, and in Raceway Parks News letter if possible, and on Craig’s list.We need to discuss this more at our next meeting.
Stat Fair Display.Gary Stein said that “it was the best display ever”.We had 12 Cars, a bigger tent, and many people in and around the display.This was the best display in 18 years.Gary expressed a big thanks to all the people that displayed their cars, and also to the people that helped with the display, with special thanks and recognition to Mike Gaspard, who was there everyday, Skip Pollack, Paul Dolphy, Pat Mandell, Mike Stein, Francis Fox, Grant Egge, Mark Piene, Dennis Wright, Earl Lovelase, Bill Hanson and Jim Heiland.If there are other that I have been missed, I apologize.
Rules Change Committee.Paul Dolphy talked a bit, in general terms, as to where the committee is at and where it is going.The changes will be ready for the membership after the committee meets 2-3 more times.This should be in the November time frame.
Clothing.Jim Boman encouraged us to buy and help our Treasury.He also thanked all of the people that helped with the air show.
50-50Won by Big Don
Banquet. Mike Stein talked about having a free Banquet this year.He needs to have all of the membership respond to him with the cards that they received with the recent mailing, in order to get an accurate head count in order to find a sponsor or the event.The Banquet will be around November 21st, and will be at Savage Legion or some other facility that will be central to all members.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn by Bill Mueller, and Gary Stein.