IMCA Old Timers and
IMCA Vintage Racing Series
2013 Rules
I.M.C.A. Old timers Safety Rules are designed to keep our events as safe as possible and fun for every one. Your full cooperation is expected in meeting these regulations and during tech inspections. It is ultimately your responsibility to insure that your vehicle can be operated in a safe manner at I.M.C.A. Old Timers exhibition events. All Cars will be inspected and must conform to the following regulations.
All vehicles will be inspected by an IMCA Old Timers Inspector prior to participation, failure to have Vehicle inspected before the event will disqualify Vehicle from participation until it has been inspected.
Approved of a Vehicle by the I.M.C.A. Old Timers Inspector shall mean only that the Vehicle is approved for participation in an event and shall not be construed in any way to mean that the inspected Vehicle is guaranteed mechanically sound. Be it further declared that the I.M.C.A. Old Timers shall not be liable, nor the Inspector, for any mechanical failure, nor for any losses or injuries resulting from same.
All Drivers, Owners and Pit crew must sign a Waiver and purchase a Pit Pass before entering the Pit Area. The Drivers and Pit Crew share responsibility in assisting the I.M.C.A. Old Timers in keeping unauthorized Persons from Pit and Track Areas.
Any unsportsmanlike conduct by Drivers, Owners and or Pit Crew shall be grounds for disqualification by the I.M.C.A. Old Timers and will be enforced. Drivers are responsible for the conduct and actions of their Crew Members
ABSOLUTLEY NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES will be consumed by Drivers or their Pit Crews prior, or during an event.
These Events are to be an EXHIBITION by nature. However motor sports in any form can be dangerous, so the best piece of safety equipment available is a THINKING DRIVER AND CREW.
GREEN FLAG - Start, Track is clear.
YELLOW FLAG - Caution, hold position, get car under control, no passing.
RED FLAG- Stop immediately, the race is halted; unsafe conditions exist on the Track.
BLACK FLAG- Stop next Lap, to Driver designated.
WHITE FLAG- You are entering your last Lap.
CHECKERED FLAG- You have completed your last Lap. Race is over.
It is the responsibility of each Driver to know and understand the Track and Flag Rules. No allowance will be made for ignorance of the Rules or inability to see the Flag.
The Starter has complete authorization on the use of these Flag rules.
As the IMCA Old Timers grows and expands, every effort is being made to revise the rules to stabilize car owner cost and ensure that everyone is competitive. The rules are designed to protect owners from getting too eager to out spend their competitors, and maintain overall competition. The quality and professionalism of all of our Club Cars is an absolute must. The Club needs to maintain rigid and tough standards so that the IMCA Old Timers can attract additional Club members who have been driven out of Vintage Racing because of the high cost of Tires, exotic chassis and expensive engines.
If our Club strives to keep all Cars on a level playing field, participants will have a great time and generate memories to share with fellow Club members, Fans and Family. These rules provide Owners who want to purchase Vintage Cars or who already have a Vintage Car an equal chance to win a race and continue to be competitive.
All Cars must be retired from active competition for at least three ( 3)
We would like all Cars to have a “History”, or be a copy of a real Car.
All Drivers and or Owners must sign an affidavit stating that the Car is not/will not be run at a weekly shows during the IMCA Old Timers Schedule. If caught they will not be able to run with the IMCA Old Timers Schedule for the rest of the Year.
Helmets must be inspected at the beginning of each year. If Helmets are not cracked and the lining inside is still in tacked and the Inspector OK’s it, the Helmets can be used. BUT, the Helmets must be re-inspected after each accident.
- 1. NO MOTORCYCLE Helmets are allowed.
- 2. Fire suits are Mandatory in all Classes of Cars. Racing Shoes, and Gloves are recommended.
- 3. Arm restraints are required in open wheeled Cars. Stock Cars, Modifieds must have a Window Net.
- 4. Seat Belts must be inspected at the beginning of the Year. The Belt can be used if they are not rooted or frayed, must be re-inspected after each accident.
- 6. Each Car should have a Fire Extinguisher in the Pits.
- 7. A Master Electrical Switch shall be in the Car, located in such a manner that it is accessible from the outside of the Car, near an outside Window opening.
- 8. The Fuel Cell shall have a ROLL OVER VALVE. This is Mandatory.
- 9. Seat Belts must be bolted securely to the Floor, BUT it is recommended that they be bolted to the Cage.
- 10. All Cars MUST have 2 return Springs on Throttle.
- 11. Kill switch required within reach of Driver, this Switch must be
Clearly marked “ OFF” and “ ON”.
13. Seat must be bolted to Floor or Cage securely.
A. Year 1984 and older Stock Production Frame or Chassis
Is eligible. (Convertibles are allowed) All Windshield
Frames must be in Stock Position. IMCA Vintage Touring Series have amended the rules to allow RETIRED ARCA and Cup Cars
B. Sheet Metal must be Stock appearing. No flat Sides, No flat
Roof’s, No Wings. Doors must be bolted or welded shut.
C. Steel Roll Cage required, diameter of Tubing min!. 1.660”
Wall thickness .095”. Required Frame mounted at least in 6
Places. (Body mounted Roll Cages NOT acceptable)
Cage must consist of front and rear Hoops, connected by
Tubing on both Sides. Must be securely supported and
Braced. Drivers Head must not protrude above Cage with
Helmet on and strapped in Seat. Min. three Door Bars on
Drivers Side and X Bracing on Pass. Side. (highly
Recommended Drivers left Leg protection Bar left Side; left
Front Cage to Frame Rail)
D. Rear Fascia of the Body between Tail Light area must be
closed in.
E. Rear Suspension: Leaf Spring is legal; Stock GM Style;
4 Link is legal. 3 Link Suspension with or without Torque
Dampener. No Bird Cages (unless welded or bolted to the
Housing, so they can not move)
Lower Control Arms must be flat to the World and parallel
With each other, at rest. (No Rear Steer Effect) No more
2” difference in length.
F. 4” Engine set back maximum allowed. Measured from the
Centerline of the left Side Lower Ball Joint to the first
Spark Plug on Left Cylinder Head. If more than 6” Set
Back, 50 Pounds added Weight in front of Cross Member.
Any more Set Back (12” or more) 100 Pounds added.
G. New Construction Frames must be build with straight up
Perimeter Frame Rails. No Left Side Bias on New Cars.
H. Uni-Body Cars Front Stub and Rear Body Frame Rails
Must be welded together.
I. Three (3) 5/16” diameter Bars required in front of Driver
Area, in between Dash Bar and Roof Hoop of Cage for
Driver protection if a Screen is used instead of a
Windshield. (This is suggested).
J. Frame eligibility subject to Inspection by Club Tec Official
is Mandatory.
K. Full Fire Walls required both front and rear of Driver area
(must be sealed as best as possible)
L. 4 Wheel brakes Mandatory (4 Wheel Disc recommended)
M. Dual Master Cylinder Mandatory, Stock Type or 2
Independent (after Market ok. ie. Tilton, Wilwood or…)
N. On Board Brake Bias Adjusters legal.
O. Brake Lines must be protected from Header Heat and
open exposure to front and rear Tires.
P. Steel Brake Lines only for Main Lines, (Braided Lines
From Calipers to Main Lines ok. Rubber Line ok. If
OEM Style.
A. Battery must be securely mounted in a rigid Battery Box
or Tray outside of Drivers area.
B. Plastic Marine Boxes , No matter how they are mounted
to Car are NOT allowed.
A. No Aluminum Block Motors .
B. One 4 Barrel Carburetor only, (or One 2 Barrel ok. Also)
Factory Fuel Injection only
C. Two Throttle return Springs Mandatory, hooked to Carb.
Lever. (Spring equipped Throttle Cable is considered
A Return Spring).
D. Gasoline is the only Fuel allowed. (No Additives)
Fuel Delivery:
A. Fuel Cell Mandatory. It must be securely mounted between
Rear Frame Rails. With at least two 2” wide, 1/8” thick
Steel hold down straps on Tank Frame.
Rear protection Bars or Hoops at least as low as the bottom
of the Tank if possible.
B. Flex Lines can be used, Regular Fuel Line or Braided Line
C. Fuel Lines must be routed away from Header Heat and
Must be protected from chafing on any other Objects.
Must be anchored securely.
D. Fuel Pumps: Mechanical Engine Pump recommended
(Electric Pump can be used, if equipped with automatic
Oil Pressure Shut Off Switch)
Tires and Rims:
A. Any Racing Tire, this will keep the cost down. Tires either
New or used, But in Good Shape.
(HOOSER TIRES for Milwaukee Mile)
B. No Rims or tires wider than 10”
C. Should be the same size Tire used in that Era.
Drive Shaft Loop:
Drive Shaft Loop is recommended approximately 6” back
from the front of Drive Shaft. ¼’ Steel by 2” wide.
Car weight, Stock Stub Chassis: V8 Car – 2850